Pen Chantraboth
My name is Pen Chantraboth, I am a grade 12 student of class 2020-2021 of Berkeley International Academy by ELT, Phsar Kandal Campus. I have been a student here since 2015.
We all have come a long way to sit here! As an honor, it is a pleasure to share my experience I have at Berkeley.
Time could compare waves that lead to good things, added with smiles and hope in the stages of life. At the same time, Berkeley has pushed me to get real knowledge as well as many good people as a priceless destiny. Teachers have played a significant role in guiding every student to this day, friends and classmates are the symbols of the power of hundreds of thousands of hearts, advice has changed all doubts, brings a great value in life.Schools can be likened to homes that provide warmth and deep memories of the heart.